There are many International designers on the fashion scene and sure enough, some of the names take some thinking about before pronouncing.
Well, thanks to 'Elle Magazine UK's Fashion phonetics' we can now confidently talk about our favourite designers without being corrected.
Here are some names that you might be familiar with. I have also taken the liberty to put face to name where possible.
Lanvin: lon-van
Marchesa: mar-key-sa
Moschino: moss-key-no
Loewe: low-ev-aye
Erotokritos: er-otto-crete-us
Herve Leger: her-vay le-j-air
Hermes: er-mez
Avsh alom gur: av-sha-lom-gurr
Burberry Prorsum: burr-berry p-roar-sum
Giambattista Valli: gee-yam-bat-easter var-lee
Mawi: m-oy
Comptoirs des Cottoniers: con-twar day cot-on-yay
Pauric Sweeney: pore-ig swee-knee
Giuseppe Zanotti: ji-sep-ee za-not-ee

So be in the know and do not embarrass yourself and get caught out with pronounciations.
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